Fire up the grill and cater to everyone’s tastes with three variations of pesto to bring out the best in steak, chicken and shrimp. Serves 4.
Mixed Grill
2 Painted Hills New York strip steaks
1/2 Draper Valley Chicken, cut into 4 pieces
3/4 lb (approx. 1 doz) lg prawns
salt & pepper
1/4 c Italian parsley, chopped
1 lemon
4, 6” bamboo skewers, soaked in water
Traditional, Lemon-Pecorino and Oven-Roasted Tomato Pestos
4 c (approx. 8 oz) fresh basil, packed and stems removed
1/2 c extra virgin olive oil
1/4 c pine nuts, lightly toasted
1/2 t kosher or sea salt
3 T Parmigianno Reggiano, grated and divided
2 T Pecorino Rustica with lemon, grated (specialty cheese dept.)
1 lemon, zested and juiced
1 T dry, white wine vinegar
3 T Divina oven-roasted tomatoes (olive bar)
1/4 t red chili flakes
Tip: Save time by using our Market Catering pesto as a base to replace first five ingredients, then add remaining ingredients for the Lemon-Pecorino and Oven Roasted Tomato Pestos.
Add 2 c basil to processor, pulse briefly, then add remaining basil and pine nuts. While processor is running, slowly add oil and salt. Separate pesto base into thirds leaving 1/3 in processor. Add 1 1/2 T Parmigianno Reggiano to processor, pulse, and set aside for prawns. Rinse processor and add 1/3 pesto base; add half juice and all of zest from lemon. Add Pecorino and pulse; reserve for chicken. Rinse processor and add remaining pesto base. Add 1 1/2 T Parmigianno Reggiano and pulse; add vinegar and tomatoes, and combine. Add chili flakes and pulse. Set aside for steak. Generously season steak with salt and pepper. Rub 1/2 of lemon pesto on chicken; refrigerate/marinate for 30 min. Peel and devein prawns, placing 3 to a skewer; rub with half of traditional pesto and refrigerate until ready to use.
Prepare grill with high-heat and low-heat sides. Warm a platter for serving. Grill chicken, covered, over low heat until internal temp. reaches 165° (approx. 25 min). Brush chicken with lemon pesto during last 5 min. Cook steak on hot side of grill, turning once until desired doneness (med rare 3-4 min per side). Brush with tomato pesto, let rest 5-10 min and slice. Grill prawns over high heat 2 min per side. Place chicken, steak and shrimp on platter, squeeze lemon over shrimp and chicken and sprinkle with parsley. Serve immediately with remaining pesto.